Career Growth
Career doesn’t grow with just learning efforts and empowerment. Opportunities are key to career growth and at Pricol, we provide significant opportunities for career development. Every employee is charted on an internal planning model where HiPos are identified through a systematic process and their Individual Development Plans (IDP) are planned and executed.
Pricol also provides suitable opportunities based on career potential and diligence. Outstanding employees are rewarded by giving them strategic roles, across businesses and geographies en route to higher responsibilities and positions.
Learning & Development
A unified approach to train employees and recognize individual potential constitutes Pricol’s competency based Learning & Development System. Each role is mapped with threshold and differentiating competencies. Each employee’s competencies are systematically assessed and thereby development interventions are executed through various structured learning initiatives.
The Pricol Competency Model is based on evaluating different skills and competencies as follows:
Technical Competencies
- Functional - Role specific
- Support - Cross functional
- Organizational - major
- Organization initiatives
- External - Customer / Supplier
- Systems & Tools - Pricol Specific.
Professional Competencies
- Cognitive ability
- Relationship management
- Drive excellence
Leadership Competencies
- Defined Goal
- Focused Learning
- Inspired Action
Furthermore, employees are also trained at the Pricol Academy of Center of Excellence or PACE, a facility created exclusively for Experiential Learning Programs. PACE hosts a 3-day Outbound Experiential Learning program which aims at development of professional and leadership competencies for executives and managers.